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You Can't Ride Around With A Tiger On Your Bike One man-cub, one motorbike. And a tiger-striped poncho, just in case.


The statue commemorating Ye Olde Bobby. Years before his passing, a law was put through stating all dogs without an owner were to be destroyed. The mayor of Edinburgh at the time, hearing this paid for Bobbys' license, thus sparing him from a fate worse than.. um.. sparing him from a fate of death. When Bobby finally carked it, his body wasn't allowed to be buried within the cemetary as it was consecrated ground. He was instead buried just inside the gate, close to the final resting place of his master. Happy ending. As happy as it ever gets in Scotland anyway.

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 2 November 2011 | Views [602]

The statue commemorating Ye Olde Bobby. Years before his passing, a law was put through stating all dogs without an owner were to be destroyed. The mayor of Edinburgh at the time, hearing this paid for Bobbys' license, thus sparing him from a fate worse than.. um.. sparing him from a fate of death. When Bobby finally carked it, his body wasn't allowed to be buried within the cemetary as it was consecrated ground. He was instead buried just inside the gate, close to the final resting place of his master. Happy ending. As happy as it ever gets in Scotland anyway.