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My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Fiji is an exceptionally exotic and beautiful place, but many visitors to Fiji only see a tiny fragment of the true beauty of this place - they see the aqua water, the white sandy beaches, reefs teaming with abundant life and palm trees waving in the glistening sunlight, and these things in Fiji are beautiful indeed! But the deeper beauty of Fiji is often unseen by the majority.

FIJI | Tuesday, 8 November 2011 | Views [639]

Fiji is an exceptionally exotic and beautiful place, but many visitors to Fiji only see a tiny fragment of the true beauty of this place - they see the aqua water, the white sandy beaches, reefs teaming with abundant life and palm trees waving in the glistening sunlight, and these things in Fiji are beautiful indeed! But the deeper beauty of Fiji is often unseen by the majority.

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