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Últimos Refúgios (Last Refuges) My impressions about the natural and cultural "last refuges". by.: Leonardo Merçon

About leonardomercon

My name is Leonardo Merçon and I graduated as a Graphic Designer on 2007 in Brazil. On 2009 I won a scholarship (DAAD) to do a post graduation In Photography and Graphic Design on the Academy of Media and Arts of Cologne\Germany. I am trying to specialize myself on photography publications, specially wildlife and culture! As my final project on the university, I made a wildlife photography book, from a natural park around there. The book was printed with the support of the Brazilian government, with non profit purposes and it was distributed on public schools and libraries of the community. In Germany I am doing a Photographic research, registering the culture and the natural beauties, as well as the strong German characteristic, what is my main interest. As my final goal, I look forward to apply the material of the experimentations designing an artistic book.