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In the Extranjero

About leilacolsen

I'm Leila. I do believe one could say I'm a voracious traveler, or at least I'd like to be. 

My parents started me early. Born in NYC, I moved 5 times before the time I was five. 

My first birthday? Egypt? My 12th February? Cayman Islands. My 14th summer? Spain. My 16th Summer. England. My Junior year? Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Italy, France, Ireland. 

The rest of my life? Let me see if I can find a map...

Sometimes I feel more accustomed to being a foreigner than being at "home." The cultures, people, food, music, smells, and experiences combine and create an intoxicating happiness that I can only find with an   overstuffed backpack in tow and a map in hand. In this journal I will attempt to document and make tangible this happiness that can only be experience through the aggregate of all things found In the Extranjero.

My Travel Map: