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Away From Home Please Leave A Message A Journal, a page, a story, an update of my long summer vacation(s).

About baker

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat

Who are you? My name is Steve. I am called mostly Baker by the general population. I answer to both, but it is really easy to get my attention, so any name might do.


Where are you from? Earth is the place I am from, but people don’t let you get away with that answer, it’s too general. I will say the Good Ole U.S. of A., the left side of it, it’s called California. I was bred in Long Beach.


When were you born? I am a child of the 80’s. My cultural influences started in that era, and I been running away from it ever since. Maybe I am always running back to it, it so hard to tell.


What are you all about? I am human, so fill in the blanks. If you need a hint, just read my stories or respond to any of them. Ok! I give a few lines to start off to quench your thirst. I enjoy a good conversation, time with friends, a woman to call my best friend, and an ice cold beer.


Why are you here? A big question that needs a big answer for all of us humans on this big blue marble and I don’t have one. I am here to travel. As a teacher I am able to take off for a long period of time. I hate staying home and trying to fill it with meaningful stuff while waiting for the normal people to get off work. I do not hangout with other teacher on a grand scale. Plus, I am single with no responsibilities.


How do you do the things you do? The $ .99 store for all my buying needs is my main thing. I tell myself that the money is needed for the next trip.    

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About baker

Angkor Wat

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