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The east and its humanity

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

This little gypsy boy was riding his bike on Malko Tarnovo, in Bulgaria. The town was really quiet allowing the children to play on the streets.  The whole area was transpiring a big calmness, for some reason, the time there was moving more slowly than normal.

BULGARIA | Sunday, 17 October 2010 | Views [524] | Comments [1]

This little gypsy boy was riding his bike on Malko Tarnovo, in Bulgaria. The town was really quiet allowing the children to play on the streets. The whole area was transpiring a big calmness, for some reason, the time there was moving more slowly than normal.



M'han agradat molt les fotografies. Em sembla que són bones però jo no hi entenc massa. Espero que tinguis molta sort i que te les seleccionin i puguis aconseguir la becca que desitges. En una altra ocasió ja m'explicaràs per què has triat la temàtica de nens i nenes i per què les has fet en blanc i negre. Fins aviat!

  Josep Mitjans Casanellas Oct 18, 2010 7:00 AM

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