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Zoe Archer World Nomad Journal

My photo scholarship 2013 entry

Australia | Tuesday, July 2, 2013 | flickr photos

It is reasonable to say that, just like the other thousands of entrants vying for this unbelievable opportunity, I spend just about every waking moment envisioning future journeys, reminiscing on those past and busily planning the next.

How could I not put myself in the running? It would be a crime; an insult to that little travel parasite that has dug his way into my very being and has committed me to a lifetime of adventure.

In between daydreams I find time to work towards my degree in Visual Arts. In these images I sought to document examples of my community’s poor waste disposal efforts, and its immediate effect on our beautiful coastline. I had intended the images to provoke, by their disturbing nature, a response encouraging its audience to act in order to save what was once known as unspoiled.

Jason Edwards, how can I possibly describe in 1200 characters what it is that sets me apart, without showing you? Much like I have reason to believe that you are adamant, just as I am, that the best way of learning is by in fact, doing.

Let me show you what I can accomplish with great determination, and how much I can grow, and I promise you will not be disappointed.

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