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Where's Whalley? Permanently out to sea.

A world away from home

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Thursday, 15 May 2014 | Views [379] | Scholarship Entry

Melancholy hangs in the cold winter air. The biting -27’C wind permeates my clothes, my bones and the ground I tread as I navigate my way down the main street of Khuzhir, the principal but tiny township of Olkhon Island. Beyond Moscow’s halo of smog and ... Read more >

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

A Local Encounter that Changed my Perspective - Football. It's just a game

EGYPT | Friday, 19 Apr 2013 | Views [490] | Scholarship Entry

The setting sun leaks a soft pink into the skyline. The thunderous noise from the sea of red, white and black painted faces, contorted with excitement and fever, rumbles across the stadium. Flags are waved high in the air as novelty horns are blown and ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Writing Scholarship 2013

All highways lead to white picket fences

USA | Saturday, 2 Mar 2013 | Views [446]

When I finally arrive at San Diego – 22 hours later – I discover Oceanview is not a suburb of San Diego, it’s the suburbs, and more than an hour past the San Diego city limits, in and up a valley and off a couple of freeways, with no ... Read more >

In for the long haul.

USA | Saturday, 16 Feb 2013 | Views [457]

I arrive at LaGuardia at 6am and I haul my luggage onto the scales. A middle-aged airport lady raises an eyebrow and looks at me through her painted face. “You’re over. Excess baggage is $90.” “Let me re-pack.” ... Read more >

Tags: airline disasters, discount carriers, flying

Really? I really need a car in LA?

USA | Saturday, 2 Feb 2013 | Views [426]

You really, really, really do need a car in L.A. You just do. I was surprised to learn that they even had a public transport system. So why I didn’t hire a car I don’t know. The subway is inadequate as it services only a small area, so for ... Read more >

Tags: hollywood, los angeles, the american dream

The selection and the process

CHILE | Saturday, 19 Jan 2013 | Views [446]

The most valuable skill to have to when working this particular set of puppets is the ability to talk yourself down from the brink of panic attack in a claustrophobic space while you’re sweating like a rapist, putting your body through a sustained ... Read more >

Tags: latino hospitality, santiago, snuff puppets, teatre a mil festival

Hello. We have arrived.

CHILE | Sunday, 6 Jan 2013 | Views [432]

I arrive in Chile fucking tired. It’s the jetlag, the pressurised cabin, the lack of sustenance despite having eaten whatever it was that was put in front of me, but mainly it’s because I was trying to pack down my portion of a household ... Read more >

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