About yuvinara
YuvinaRa -a 20.y.o student of culture and humanities from Indonesia. Currently a full time student and a budget-traveller.
| Interests: mountain, jungle, beach (nature!) ; temple, monument, castle, palace, graves (cultural building) ; and traditional markets+food stalls!
| Fall in love with Asian hospitality
| A non-strict vegetarian
| Smile and Carpe Diem!
| Evil angel
| The abstract writer with obsession of lifetime-travel partner
| Hates normal and mainstream, but still living that kind of life which is suck
| Enjoy music to the fullest and learn some instruments just to make sure she has the sense of art
| Sometimes draw and paint
| Love to swear and learn to swear in every languages
| Polyglot and entrepreneur to be
| Anti-complainer and spoiled person
| Current mission in travel: blend with the nature, be the society, and leave nothing but once-in-a-lifetime memories
My Travel Map: