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There are [0] photos and [2] stories about Pakistan

From Sikh Serenity to Pakistani Pomp

Sunday, 1 Jul 2007 | Views [1907]

There is only one legal international border crossing between Pakistan and India and it sits in the Punjab province of each country (at partition Punjab was split in two). Its an easy trip from Delhi on a speedy day train or a slow night train at less ... Read more >

Tags: adventures

It's Thursday Sufi Night in Lahore

Sunday, 1 Jul 2007 | Views [2935]

Lahore is a huge, busy, modern city and when we were there it was also really hot. We decided we would stay only two nights, so we packed our days in an attempt to experience the most of the city. Our first stop was the Lahore Museum, which I only ... Read more >

Tags: culture



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