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Writing Poem in the Top of Merapi Mountain

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 14 May 2014 | Views [164] | Scholarship Entry

When we write, that is not only described but we capture the image and moment then we put it up to the words. It can be note, fiction or poem. We have eternalized our moment to the "mini world". And we can visit it every time like when I read my poem that I wrote it on the top, I can feel like a first. I can see it all. I can feel the temperature in my skin. I can breathe the air-mountain in my room.
Now, Merapi mountain has been actived. Including the news, Merapi puts out the heavy smoke every morning. How do I climb again, like on the past when I and my friends did it. I remember when I and Al arrived first on the post then my girl friends left behind. All of my stuff on the car that was driven by girls, only my term in my hand, and the inside was a coffee. I enjoyed it while the girls almost got the accident. The car moved back-down around fifty meter. Oh god.
Even though Merapi is active, I can see the sunset in my note, the exchange process of sky from blue light to be orange-goldish, the light-goldish spring upon the leaves.
One last time, the fog filled Merapi until we cannot see the tracks. So we decided to camp in the post two—that is middle post. In the night, there were other climbers trapped near on the top. We wanted to help them, but we were amateur climber. That was my first climbing. We just prayed for them. No long time, team SAR have arrived and picked up them. They were carried by stretcher like carnival, but their face were somber.
On the morning, we continued our climb. Each person in our team has a wish why we climb. Isa wanted to cook a fried rice on the 2500 m.dpl, Fanny wanted to conquer the mountain that has a mythos, Al wanted to climb on the second time before he will climbs to the other, and I wanted to cut my long hair and thrown it on the crater.
That was not essay for me, because I am height phobia. I should crawl to reach the crater. And when I self was trapped by cliff, I thought that was my time to die. There was no choices, I cannot go ahead or turn back down. If I just stayed, it will be dying because no people can help me. So I continued it to climb until whatever I do, it will be dying or not, I don’t care anymore. I just thought; continued and continued.
When I saw the crater, which was my triumph. I make a wish and thrown my long haircut to crater. And I didn’t think before that, turn back down harder than climb, as long as turn back down I wanted to cry. Shit!

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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