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The heartbeat of the Northern Territory

My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Australia | Friday, October 28, 2011 | 5 photos

I have grown up in the Northern Territory and have been privileged to see the amazing wildlife and landscape from a young age. I fell in love with the roughness and softness and have had the opportunity to be able to share some of what I have seen with others through photos. These photos are from two creeks where I have been going to from the ripe old age of 3 years. Hopefully I can pass this love and respect of wildlife onto. The places are Hardies lagoon and Corroboree billabong in the Northern Territory.
I love being able to showing people of place, landscapes and animals to people weather they can read or not and have learnt that you can do that wonderfully by photography. If you can just catch that one perfect shot of an animal / person or spot. You can affect more people than the written language can do, as there are many people in life for one reason or another who can’t read. So the impact of one shot can be so great, I love seeing the emotion on people’s faces weather it is Joy, happiness or shock.
With this in mind I love trying to get that unique shot of wildlife and country to be able to show people who might otherwise not have the opportunity to see or read or hear about it. I try to learn and expand my knowledge and try and do this with other friends, hopefully in a roundabout way they learn something from me and I learn something from them. I always carry a camera with me just in case, you never know what opportunities are around the corner.
Hopefully with these 5 photos you can also see why I love the Northern Territory in Australia

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