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Joyful Leisure

About wheelscr

I am an outdoor enthusiast and traveler, working my way around the world.

I grew up in Washington State and always wanted to travel. When it came time to pick a University, I thought Boston was a good place to start, so off I went to Gordon College where I got involved in an Outdoor Education program. I began working for the program, spending summers in the Adirondacks, growing a deep love for the outdoors, long backpacking trips, and community. After Graduation, I took a job as an Outdoor Instructor in Hong Kong. That led to a job as an Outdoor Instructor in Australia. That led to a lovely Kiwi boy and the decision to make New Zealand my next stop. Combining two people with a passion for travel, what began as one job has turned into a lifetime of world travel and exploration.

Joyful Leisure began in 2011 as a result of my degree in Recreation and Leisure Studies and the passion of my professor. She inspired me and instilled in me the incredible value of leisure in one’s life. A leisure approach to life is more than just participating in leisure activities. It is how you view your life and how you live it. Christ invites us to come to him as we are weary and heavy laden and he will give us rest. He invites us to have leisure, to rest, to be free from the stress of life. We can view our life as a set of circumstances imposed on us or we can view it as an adventure, as things we choose to do and things we take joy in. In that, life becomes leisure, as we enjoy the life God has given us.