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My Scholarship Entry: Journey Through the Stills

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Australia | Monday, January 14, 2013 | 5 photos

Travelling, it's something I've had the greatest opportunity to undertake in my young life. Born in South Africa, moved to the coast of Mozambique for 4 years, had the pleasure of living on the East Coast of Queensland (Australia), Northern Ireland (UK) and I'm currently settled in for a lengthier period of time in Perth (West Coast of Australia this time!). One thing that drives me to travel when given the slightest opportunity is to embrace it and run wild with it. To get out there, delve into different cultures, immerse in crazy cultures, dive into the deep end and get out of that comfort zone. Photography just adds to the effect, capturing those insane moments in time and encapsulating them in a single still frame. It never ceases to amaze me how powerful a single image can be for people and that's what I find to be the major draw towards photography. Having the ability to provoke powerful emotions through the use of photography is simply insane! Having the opportunity to enhance the skill to do that would be an incredible adventure and that's what life is, one giant adventure.

About warrenbredenhann

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