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Learning to fly, Warburton Style

My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Australia | Saturday, November 5, 2011 | 5 photos

After school for 2 hours every day the children get to leave their problems behind and take to the skies in a display of flexibility and coordination. The children queue waiting to try out their new take on a somersault, with twists that defy gravity. Each time they try the children become increasingly more confident, jumping higher and higher. Most of these children live in extreme poverty, with no hope of an adequate education but for that brief moment they are without worries.
Warburton is in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands region, Western Australia - one of the most remote areas of the country. The region is notable for its rich cultural life, energetic art and stunning landscapes, as well as the tasty tjirnka (Sand Goanna) and extreme weather. It has strong language and cultural practices, with the majority of residents speaking only Ngaanyatjarra. This unique part of the world faces complex challenges including extreme poverty, low life expectancy, substance abuse and environmental hardships.
My Name is Jody Brown I am 30 years old, I came to Warburton in 2010 on holiday to see my partner who works in this incredible part of Australia, I have since fallen in love with the people, the landscapes and the uniqueness of it all. I have decided to stay working in a local youth center and after work I try to capture as much of this stunning town as possible with my camera, I love photography and shoot at every opportunity I can, from landscapes to portraits, from extreme heat to pouring rain I just love to document. Finding that photo that portrays something not many people get to see or experience is why I continue to push myself to discover.

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