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The Dangerous Business of Going Out Your Door I am often tired of myself and I have a notion that by travel I can add to my personality and so change myself a little. I do not bring back from the journey quite the same self that I took. - W. Somerset Maugham


There are [0] photos and [2] stories about Portugal

Last Night in Lisbon, People, and Numbers

Saturday, 23 Jan 2016 | Views [642] | Comments [1]

Last Night in Lisbon I am sorry to see my time in Lisbon come to an end. It ushered me so gently into this endeavor that I have begun to feel quite comfortable here, and I am looking ahead with a little bit of nervous anticipation again. I have ... Read more >

Tags: budget, lisbon, portuguese, sabbatical, travel

Lisbon Impressions

Thursday, 21 Jan 2016 | Views [631]

Lisboa, Lisbon, Lissabon, Lisbonne Quote from Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935), Portuguese poet, born in Lisbon: "Over seven hills, which are as many points of observation whence the most magnificent panoramas may be enjoyed, the vast irregular ... Read more >

Tags: lisbon, sabbatical, travel



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