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A Wander Out Yonder

The Day of the Dead

MEXICO | Tuesday, 4 November 2008 | Views [310]

This weekend we celebrated The Day of the Dead. Dia de los Muertos is a huge deal in Mexico, and Oaxaca was even more alive, colourful and musical than usual. The day (or, in this case, the weekend) is a time to remember and celebrate friends and family who have died. Most families erect beautiful altars (ofrendas) in their homes, on which are placed flowers, candles, incense, fruits, favorite foods of the departed, and, of course, favorite adult beverages. It was quite an experience to walk passed altars with bottles of Baileys, Bacardi and Mezcal. Sounds a bit like what mine would be, though it's a shame sushi wouldn't keep. ;) Many people opened their doors to allow visitors to peek in and admire their altars. The city's streets were covered with hundreds of coloured sand pictures, particularly around the town centre. People in costumes and playing music paraded around town late into the night. 

A few of us students put together an altar in the school patio. Once the altar was done, an intructor read a lovely poem, following which each of us placed some form of memorabilia to our departed on the altar - such as a photo, toy (in the case of a child), or just the person´s name on a piece of paper. That evening, we, along with what appeared to be the rest of the city, visited the local cemetery. The cemetery was hopping with people, was filled with candles and more sand art, and there was a local band playing. It was somewhat comforting to be immersed in a cultural event that embraced death so openly and joyously. Later that night, we had a delicious dinner of tamales, pan and hot chocolate at an instructor's home. Not surprisingly, a huge party followed, and folks were dressed up, not unlike Halloween. And it was our turn to imbibe OUR favorite adult beverages. Needless to say, some of us experienced our own personal Day of the Dead the following morning. ;)

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