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Out of My Comfort Zone

City Girl Meets Rough Outback

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 10 May 2014 | Views [1074] | Scholarship Entry

"Alright, girls! Now its time to put all those lessons to the test. Hop on your horses, we are going for a ride!" screams Lance, our crude outback trainer. We all saddle up our horses, the way we were taught, and hop on. I press my inner calves against the coarse belly of Rocky, my chosen horse. "Let's go!" waves Lance.

We take off slowly across the dry paddock, which salivates for a good rain, and head up the hill in search of some cattle. I squeeze Rocky tighter and we go bouncing up the crowded hill. I can hear Lance's harsh voice hollering up ahead but it barely competes with the pounding of my heart in my ears. I grew up in Philadelphia, where we take strolls in the city and see horses only when their drawing carriages around for tours. This is completely out of my element, but I find it terrifyingly exhilarating.

Before I know it, I'm snapped back from my reverie to realize my horse is following another who just slipped haphazardly beneath a thick branch. I pull the reigns on Rocky, who at first stubbornly resists then steers around the branch. Phew! I gallop after the rest of the group, feeling sweat drip down my forehead. I'd rather not die in the Outback.

"Look, there girls! See all those cattle grazing at the bottom of the hill? Well we have to come up behind them slowly and push them towards the farm. Okay, Melissa and Sophie you go around the right side over the stream and we will take this side" says Lance. We all stare at him in fear. No one feels ready for this. "Girls, stop staring and go!" screams Lance.

So I dig my heals into Rocky's side and we take off down the hill. Sophie and I cross the creek and attempt weaving through the trees to urge the cattle forward. They simply lift their heads from eating to make disinterested faces at us and continue eating. We sit there for a moment in panic, wondering if we can do this. The smell of burning leaves swirls around me, producing a calming affect. Birds seem to whistle encouragements as they chirp around me. I'm determined to not fail in front of Lance, who doles out punishments harshly.

Sophie and I push forward slowly approaching the cattle like Tom trying to sneak up on Jerry. Finally, they lift their heads, grunt, and start moving. "Good job, girls now lets circle behind them and push them towards the pen" says Lance. We all form a long half circle along their rear and walk calmly towards them, until they all reluctantly walk across the paddock to the farm.

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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