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While we were walking

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Worldwide | Sunday, October 17, 2010 | 5 photos

An unplanned visit to Venus bay + a walk in the woods to unwind + my camera = these pictures. Unlike most journeys, ours was a journey without a destination.
The walk through the woods led us to the beach (we did not know it would) and it was a definitive 'wow' moment for me. It was one of those days when I thought ;there is just so much to experience and I am just so limited with my sense perceptions. Somehow my humble and simple camera helped me capture those memories. Every time I look at these pictures, I anticipate the sound of the sea. It brings immense hope and triggers an impulse to set out /step out again. - That was about the photos.
About me : I like being behind the camera than being in front of it- Its hard to say more about myself as I am still exploring the idea of me. I see myself as a lost soul trying to live life and experience the world, an escapist , an aspiring photographer, a vagabond or a wanderer.

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