The Golden Road to Samarkand
We are the Pilgrims, master; we shall go Always a little further: it may be beyond the last blue mountain barred with snow
Across that angry or that glimmering sea.
Surely we are brave who take the Golden Road to Samarkand. - Hassan by James E. Flecker
About walkaboutthekimberleys

Love trying new things, however for the record I prefer my helicopters to have doors... I'm smiling in this photo because at this point I didn't know that I would be sitting in back very shortly where there were no doors and a seatbelt that only goes over your lap...
Who am I ? This question always reminds me of the whale from "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galexy",that gets called into existance a thousand feet up in the sky and only has a short time to figure out who he is. In the grand scheme of things - we only have a mili-second to work out who we are. I have found the best way to learn is to get out there and travel, there is no faster way to get to know yourself and your limitations when shoved face first out of your comfort zone.
At the age of 16 I somehow managed to convince my parents that a school trip to Sth Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe was a good idea... and Holy Mother of all things shocking did I get a huge slap in the face when I got there. It was like I had hitched a ride on a NASA space shuttle to a different planet. The sites, the smells, the people - nothing that I had ever experienced in my short 16 years of life. By far the best trip I have ever done or will do. It brought me out of my little self-involved existance and showed me that there is more to life than The Backstreet Boys and getting my ears pierced.
Now when I travel, I like to contribute something and experience everything.
My Travel Map: