I lifted my heavy head out of bed
for a refreshing shower and before I headed downstairs for some coffee, I
thought I’d take one more vengeful glance at that cloud above Table Mountain.
But it wasn’t there! We could finally go on top of Table Mountain. This would
definitely be part of Jason’s plan for the day (after our quick Photoshop
editing session) and Guts would surely welcome the idea before Jason departs
since he never minds another close call racing to the airport.
On my way to meet the guys, I passed
by Jason’s room and saw him packing his gear! It turned out he had issues with
his travel booking and his flight was actually leaving from Johannesburg, not
Cape Town. Luckily, after making a few calls over a quick breakfast, it was all
sorted out, but this meant he had to be at the airport in the next 20 minutes.
We helped him finish packing his heavy gear and broke a new speed record as we
made it to the airport. Everything happened so fast that before I knew it I was
bidding my farewells to a great photographer and a good friend. I’d been very
fortunate to assist him and be mentored by him on this learning trip which has
reshaped my approach to photography but it was over now.
We were feeling a bit disappointed and out of
synch but we nonetheless made our way to Table Mountain to take it off the
list. However, we soon saw that the 1-km road leading to the bottom of the
mountain was packed with hundreds of visitors’ cars and tourist buses so we
reluctantly changed our minds. Instead, I decided to walk around Long Street
and be a tourist in the few hours I had left while Guts finished some errands
in the area. Due to a little delay, we ended up having our last seafood lunch
together in the minivan, racing once more towards the airport! Even that last
meal was ruined thanks to a sharp stop at a red signal that sent our fried
calamari flying onto the dashboard and landing on our lap. Still, we made it;
we cleaned the mess laughing about the events of the day, I bid Guts farewell
and he ran to catch his flight. I got my ticket and walked through the boarding
gate bearing a wide smile on my face. What a trip! What a trip!