Tea and Toast
Tourist, Traveller, Trekker and TB tester who really knows where my towel is at
About vixshi
Chillaxing in the evening sun
Working in developing countries as a Lab rat but not a save the world hero, just trying to make a living and to see as much of the planet as possible. Domestic bliss and 9-5 just isn't on the cards, just want to be able to throw my gear in a bag and leave on a whim to somewhere I heard of last week and the more I do that the more inspiring people I meet and crazy places I find out about so I have to keep going further and longer, it's a fun ride.
I want to be a kick ass hard core seriously independent chick who saves the pangolins while looking hot but I tell bad jokes, talk too much, write like a 5 year old chimp and take too many photos with no style and usually look as if I've been dragged through a hedge by a cranky bull. I get lost 5 steps out of the door, get ripped off by all the cons and never learn. I also assume gaffa tape will fix everything, I cry too easily and like the colour pink (although I kick myself for it!)