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Vera Franco

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited - The hot south

Portugal | Sunday, January 13, 2013 | 4 photos

Look, I love photography. It's my way of showing life through my eyes. Reality as seen with my own eyes, with my own soul. It allows me to show how I see the world, what is the beauty in what I hold my gaze on. It's a unique way to convey a story, an experience.
I would love to improve at this. Storytellers are great people, and it takes great talent and refining an art. I want to know what it requires, as I wonder it needs patience, risk-taking, sense of adventure and optimism, and a willingness to be surprised. And I have all that. The photography experience for me is much more than just clicking. It's connecting to your surroundings, it's waiting patiently for that right moment, it's stretching that extra mile for that detail.
I am a traveller. I tell my stories through photography. I have no formal training, no formal classes other than what friends and Internet can provide. And I'm eager to learn. Storytellers play a great part in communities and have always been the ones who inspired tribes, communities, to explore and create their lives, as well as think outside the box. I want to be able to do that too.

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