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Roadtrip Australia: Van-Tastic NSW - KIRSTY AND CARLY Kirsty and Carly embark on the ultimate Aussie roadtrip as they motor around New South Wales with Van-Tastic Adventures for six action-packed, free-wheeling weeks of adventure.


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AUSTRALIA | Friday, 25 Sep 2009 | Views [866] | Video

In this video, we introduce you to Geoff the Campervan, our home for the next 6 weeks on our Van-Tastic NSW tour! If you want your own Geoff to drive around Australia, check out Traveller's Autobarn: http://www.travellers-autobarn.com.au See ... Read more >

Tags: australia, campervan, geoff, nsw, road trip, travellers autobarn, van, van-tastic, van-tastic adventures, vantastic nsw

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