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Roadtrip Australia: Van-Tastic NSW - KIRSTY AND CARLY Kirsty and Carly embark on the ultimate Aussie roadtrip as they motor around New South Wales with Van-Tastic Adventures for six action-packed, free-wheeling weeks of adventure.


AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 10 October 2009 | Views [2402]

Hey there. Carly here.

Last weekend Kirsty and I attended Global Carnival – a world music festival held in Bellingen, a country town near Coffs Harbour. We had an amazing time!! There were many world-class acts to see and we got to camp Geoff the van in the adjoining camp-site. The event had a very cool vibe with many interesting things to see, hear, taste and do. As we went over the bridge that took us to the event there were heaps of people swimming in the river and I couldn't help, but think 'This is like Woodstock!' haha (Not quite as many people though).

There were so many great bands. I loved the reggae and Afro-beat of The Strides and Grace Barbe, the crazy dancing and rhythms of One Africa and the fresh sounds and energy of Jumbledat and Watussi. Kirsty also loved dancing to the crazy upbeat gypsy music of Paprika Balkanicus. The surprise highlight for me was the Gold Coast band, Tijuana Cartel. I never thought I'd be a fan of flamenco music, but they mash it together with live percussion, electronic beats, a bit of trumpet and so much energy. They went off!! Everyone was going nuts. And guess what? We were camping right next to them! How cool!! So we got to listen to their little jam sessions when they weren't performing.

Other highlights of the festival included seeing Hugh Masekela, the South African jazz legend, watching circus acts, tasting very yummy foods from all over the world, and participating in workshops in hip hop, salsa and song writing. Wow - all that in just 2 and a half days!

Our next blog will be from Coffs Harbour.  In the meantime, make sure you check out our latest videos here: http://vantastic.worldnomads.com/index.php/about-vantastic-adventures/stage-1-active-nsw




Tags: australia, bellingen, global, global carnival, music festival, nsw, road trip, van-tastic, van-tastic adventures, vantastic nsw

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