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Roadtrip Australia: Van-Tastic NSW - KIRSTY AND CARLY Kirsty and Carly embark on the ultimate Aussie roadtrip as they motor around New South Wales with Van-Tastic Adventures for six action-packed, free-wheeling weeks of adventure.


AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 23 September 2009 | Views [1456] | Comments [3]

Crabs, Tropical Fruit and a Mountain!

We’re on the road!

After picking the van up in Brisbane last Friday, we headed to Virgin Blue Headquarters for a couple of photos with Hamish & Adam (the Vantastic Qld. team) and some of the Virgin staff.

We spent the next couple of days in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast, catching up with some friends and testing out the waterslides at Wet & Wild.  Then it was a (very) short drive into NSW!

Mount Warning

We heard that Mount Warning was the highlight of the Tweed Heads area, so we headed to Mount Warning Holiday Park and parked Geoff right next to a rainforest for the night!  The park is in an amazing area, right near the mountain.

The next morning, we woke bright and early to climb the mountain. The sign at the bottom described the degree of climbing difficulty as “strenuous” and for “experienced climbers only.”  That description definitely doesn’t fit us, but we were determined to give it a go.  The walk is amazing, with the greenery of the rainforest shading you from the sun for most of the way (although it does get a bit humid).  We saw a lot of different wildlife – birds (especially brush turkeys), lizards, and even a snake (just a small one)!

The climb can be tough in parts, and the last 200 metres or so is a steep "rock scramble," where you have to pull yourself up along a chain.  We stuck it out though, and arrived very proud at the top, only to have a seven-year-old girl arrive with her family only minutes later!  Very impressive.

It took us around 6 hours (including breaks and a stop up the top) to cover the 9km return journey, and we’re a little sore today, but the views and the feeling of achievement are worth it.  Mt. Warning used to be a volcano, and is also the first place in Australia to see the sunrise!

Tropical Fruit World

On the way back into Tweed Heads, we saw a sign for Tropical Fruit World, and were curious as to what it could possibly be, so we stopped by.  It turns out that it’s a fruit farm and research centre, and they have 516 different kinds of fruit growing on the property (more than anywhere else in the world)!

They have fruit tasting shows, where you get to sample all different kinds of fruit (including a chocolate fruit) that they mixed with icecream, and they also have various park tours and other attractions.

We stayed the night at Pyramid Holiday Park, which has sparkling clean facilities, and provides for your every need.  They even had a cards night last night, and the long-term residents' gnome gardens are well worth a look!

Catch a Crab Tours

This morning we did a fantastic trip out on the Tweed River with Catch a Crab. Neither of us had any real interest in fishing or crabs beforehand, but we had a fantastic time!

You get to spend an entire morning out on the gorgeous Tweed River, and everything you do is a hands-on experience.  We fed pelicans over the side of the boat, used a hand pump to draw yabbies out of the riverbed, pulled crab traps out of the river and tried our hand at fishing.  Didn’t manage to catch any fish, but our trap had a great big crab inside.

They cooked the crabs we caught right on the boat, and we had a delicious lunch back at the dock.  Dayle and Michelle seemed to know everything there was to know about crabs, and we learnt some interesting new facts (including that female crabs can lay up to 80 million eggs at a time, but only around 50 will make it past the first few days without being eaten).

That’s it for the Tweed Heads area… stay tuned for our next NSW adventure!

Tags: adventures, catch a crab, mount warning, nsw, road trip, tropical fruit world, tweed heads, tweed river, van-tastic adventures, vantastic



I just started reading your stories and it seems to me like an amasing adventure you guys are into.

  Boris Sep 24, 2009 6:10 AM


I like watching you on your trip, and seeing myself in the video. Did you see the knee tree on the way back down? And we had fun!

From Tamieka.

  Tamieka Wittebrood Sep 28, 2009 10:33 AM


Thanks Boris - we are having a fantastic time travelling around NSW!

Tamieka, it was great to meet you, and we were very impressed that you made it all the way to the top of Mt. Warning. Thanks for being in our video! I think we did see the knee tree on the way back down. I wonder if it's the same one you noticed.

  vantasticnsw Sep 28, 2009 7:00 PM

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