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Yuendumu: Two Worlds Colliding

My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Australia | Tuesday, November 8, 2011 | 5 photos

Originally from the United States I came to Australia two years ago to further my education in Visual Culture Research, combining my passions for photography and anthropology.

My love for photography began ten years ago when I was in high school when I inherited my grandfather's old SLR film camera. I began photographing my friends and random people I encountered as a fun hobby until I realised that a camera could be utilised as a tool to help inspire positive social change.

During my studies I developed an interest in Indigenous communities and since graduating I have spent the greater part of this year living and working in remote Aboriginal communities throughout Australia. Through this series, I have tried to highlight contemporary aspects of Walrpiri life at Yuendumu in the Northern territory.

While many community elders are trying desperately to pass along their cultural traditions and knowledge to younger generations to ensure the survival of their rich heritage, years of European influence have left people straddling two very separate worlds. In addition to losing many cultural practices, Aboriginal communities are currently plagued with many social issues that only seem to be getting worse.

My definitive goal with digital media is to help raise greater awareness of issues effecting marginalised communities and cultures throughout the world. It has always been a dream of mine to photograph for National Geographic. I feel that winning this scholarship will allow me to take my photographic practice to the next level and with Jason’s mentorship I can work towards unlocking my full artistic potential.

Thanks for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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