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World Travel: Every Step on Earth

Trip: Back to USA

There are [7] stories from my trip: Back to USA

APA Los Angeles Photography Night

USA | Monday, 28 Apr 2014 | Views [605]

APA LOS ANGELES PHOTOGRAPHY NIGHT I had a good time with friends attending the APA collection of photography from Los Angeles photographers. The chosen photographers will get to book with their photo and other APA members’ photos.... Read more >

Tags: apa, art, california, event, losangeles, photographer, photography

Amazing exhibition: 125 Years of National Geographic

USA | Sunday, 27 Apr 2014 | Views [1919]

  I had a chance to attended the great exhibition of National Geographic ‘The Power of Photography’ to celebrate 125 years of their magazine in Los Angeles. I came to the exhibition on the day that they showed a documentary ... Read more >

Tags: artwork, doccumentary, exhibition, film, la, losangeles, nationalgeographic, photographers, photography, usa

Visa to Brazil for World Cup

USA | Saturday, 26 Apr 2014 | Views [511]

  I got Brazil visa today. I’m holding Vietnam passport and apply Brazil travel visa in Los Angeles. Here is what you need if you hold other country passport and apply Brazil visa in the US: 1. Passport (valid at least 6 months) 2.... Read more >

Tags: brasil, brazil, football, travel, trip, visa, worldcup, worldtrip


USA | Thursday, 24 Apr 2014 | Views [2157]

  My tips to choose underwear for a long backpack trip: 1. No push-up bra 2. Comfortable and easy to hand-wash material 3. No frame for bra 4. Soft and easy to dry 5. Bikini style underwear makes you feel comfy and fresh 6. Soft and body fit ... Read more >

Tags: backpack, on the road, packing, trips, underwear, worldtravel


USA | Thursday, 24 Apr 2014 | Views [436]

  Today I started to pack for my world trip. Too many thoughts came out my mind. 1. Such a long time to wait for Brazilian visa (20 business days of processing due to world cup 2014); I have to wait 15 days more. 2. My first flight will ... Read more >

Tags: backpack, on the road, packing, plan, travel, trips, worldtravel

Photos: US

USA | Thursday, 24 Apr 2014 | Photo Gallery

See all 21 photos >>

Photos: Bagan

MYANMAR | Thursday, 5 Dec 2013 | Photo Gallery

See all 15 photos >>