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My Scholarship entry - Nurturing Mother in Forest of Thimphu

Bhutan | Thursday, January 3, 2013 | 5 photos

I was born on 1st February, 1991. That makes me twenty one. My name is Tshewang Gyeltshen. I was brought up in a village called Khamdang, under Trashi Yangtse District; Bhutan. We have got a vast major of land, nearly all mountains with evergreen forests, stretching from the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh north to the Tibetan Plateau where shrubs are grizzy hay. Being born in a very big family of eight sibblings, I was confronted with so many difficulties, most of which were overcome. I was happiest when my parents got me into school buying me a pair of new shoes and uniform. I had to climb up a steep mountainous slope for two and half hours before I could get to school. That didn't deter me the least whatsoever. This walk to school every morning and evening back home gave me a varied oppurtunity to be commune with nature, and stretching beauty beyond borders, as far as my eyes can reach. This same walk, let me think bigger; letting me know the existence of world beyond our eyes. If Oman be another learning oppurtunity for me; I am more than humble to try and make it my best effort to learn about photography; which I know very less of besides taking a shot. Thanking You

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Mother lost teh site of Babies; concerned!

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