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A lap of the South Island

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Australia | Tuesday, October 5, 2010 | 5 photos

Our trip to New Zealand was meant to celebrate our 25th Wedding anniversary. When the kids found out about the trip it became the last family holiday instead.
This trip was a great holiday and bonding experience for all. Its been a few years since we have all lived together so it was a huge (re)learning experience for al of us when we travelled for ten days in a 6 berth camper van around the South Island.
I have been interested in photography since I was presented with my first camera on my twelfth Birthday. My interest grew as I got older an I bought my first slr from my Brother when I was twenty. It was a Praktica mtl5, and it served me well recording my early years and the early years of my family. It wasn't until about 3 years ago that I really started to experiment with my cameras and take more than just family snaps. I have since bought a DSLR and joined a camera club. My interest has since turned into a passion to expand my knowledge and get more creative.
New Zealand was the perfect opportunity to experience beautiful scenery and work on my photography skills. The first thing you realise is that not everyone shares your passion and there is a certain amount of compromise and sacrifice to be made to create opportunities for photography.
My ambition is, for as long as I can, push myself technically and creatively to be as good a photographer as I can be. This will allow me to travel the world to places
(like Bhutan) to not only experience their culture but show others the beauty and ugliness of the world in exhibitions of my own.
The first step is to learn from the best sources I can and hopefully have some fun along the way.

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