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The Less Explored, Tropical to Tundra

My Scholarship entry - Animals, Natives, and Other Places

USA | Wednesday, November 19, 2014 | 5 photos

My Name is James Obert. I am from the United States. I also live part time in Nicaragua, I perform my 9-5 job duties in Bristol Bay Alaska for the Salmon run. I am an avid amateur photographer going on 16 years. I like to photograph Animals, scenery, and actions such as political protests, especially given the state of the world. Some of this time however, has been lost due to the realities of everyday work life in the US. I feel that I should be selected for many reasons. The main reasons being is my passion, combined with many years traveling to, and working in hard to reach places. These places have little to no contact with the outside world. Special shots can be taken anywhere, but for me I feel at my best in such desolate surroundings that few has explored. I strive for the perfect shot. One major key for me in achieving this is eye contact with any creature when taking a photo. I want to express the emotional aspect of animal, making eye contact, and impress upon people their presence, feelings and sense of being. My scenery shots, I want the person to use their imagination, with perfect surroundings to get the perfect shot, the danger, and/or tranquility of such surroundings.

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