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My Heart Was Made To Travel

Long Journey but Worth It!

SWITZERLAND | Friday, 1 July 2016 | Views [391] | Comments [1]

As I sit here looking out the window of our hotel room in Lausanne, Switzerland, I am incredibly excited to explore this beautiful place.  And even though I am batting my eyes from lack  of sleep as I write this, it was worth every minute of the sleepless 24 hours we spent to get here. 

We arrived in the Geneva airport at 10am local time. Caught a train to Lausanne and saw some beautiful country side! There are many vineyards in the area and they are absolutely breathtaking. 

We arrived in Lausanne to a wonderful greeting party of Kevin, Dani and Dan! Kevin, bless his heart, said our hotel was only a little ways away so we decided to walk. That "little ways away" ended up being mostly uphill on cobblestone streets lugging 4 big suitcases and some tired and hot people. But hey we survived and ARE HERE!

The view from our room consists of a lot of neat buildings and a gorgeous old cathedral. The Cathédrale Notre-Dame finished in 1257.

Since it was a long trip for most of us, I think we are heading to bed early so we are well rested and clear headed  for the rest of our 2 week vacation! So off I go. 

Until tomorrow!!!  Guet Nacht!







Amazing! Gorgeous! I cannot get over the pictures!!! Looks like a perfectly magical getaway. Hope you all get some great rest and have amazing adventures on the morrow!

  Jamie Jul 2, 2016 7:17 AM

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