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My journey. 'My journey' is all about the journey I am taking. You will hear about my holiday planning and about the holiday itself. Feel free to contact me about my blog at any time.

About travelerjess

HEY EVERYONE!!! Welcome my page. My name is Jessica. I am 24 years old and I live on the Gold Coast of Australia. I originally from Hamilton, New Zealand but just over 5 years ago I decided to move over to Australia but soon I will be moving back to New Zealand to find a new job and to consider my study options. It's quiet exciting really. I am also a Christian.


For those who know me, you might call me crazy, interesting, kool, neat, out-going, geeky, loud, cheeky, honest, quirky, unselfish, helpful, someone who sometimes talks alot and just a awesome and wonderful friend. I personally think I am somehow interesting and yet somewhat boring all at the same time. I dont know how that works or how I do it but it works for me anyways and I would say that some people obviously like it. What ever you think bout me, I hope that in some way I some how make a weird but not so discusting impact in your life.

I'm also on:

Twitter: @travelerjess

Tumblr: http://jalamont.tumblr.com/

Travelpod: http://blog.travelpod.com/members/travelerjess

 Blogger: http://travelerjess89.blogspot.com.au/

About travelerjess

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