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Tonielle's European Adventure "It's always better on holiday, so much better on holiday. That's why we only work when... we need the money." - Franz Ferdinand


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "kuala lumpur".

"Hey tall lady, where you from?"

MALAYSIA | Monday, 18 May 2009 | Views [1053] | Comments [3]

On Saturday, I got up bright and early to visit the Patronus towers. I was there by 7.30am to line up for a free ticket to the observation bridge, and found there was already a growing queue. As it is the main tourist attraction in town, you have to ... Read more >

Tags: kuala lumpur, melaka, patrous tower

Sweating in Kuala Lumpur

MALAYSIA | Friday, 15 May 2009 | Views [1274] | Comments [4] | Video

Hi everyone, Well, the adventure has begun... in Kuala Lumpur. I arrived at 6am yesterday morning, and was greeted by a slightly worrying sight... every staff member was wearing a mask, and giving out forms to sign saying that we weren't suffering ... Read more >

Tags: china town, getting lost, kuala lumpur, little india, swine flu

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