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Love, Trust, and a little bit of Wanderlust If we don't try we will never know, in the end we only regret the chances we didn't take.


There are [0] photos and [7] stories tagged with "culture".

Killing Fields & S21

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 5 Jul 2017 | Views [473]

The main 'tourist attractions' in Phnom Penh are known as the Killing Fields and S21 Prison. No matter how tough you think these places will be, they are worse. It's barely worth me explaining as it won't give you an understanding of the depth of these ... Read more >

Tags: cruel, culture, eye opening, history, humbling, informative, museums, shocking, tourist attractions

Propaganda, Palaces and Poverty

VIETNAM | Friday, 28 Apr 2017 | Views [653]

Before our next bus adventure we had one more day to spend in Hanoi. We had heard of a Military museum so we decided to head there. The walk there was quite a long one and on the way the traffic was as bonkers as ever. The worst thing about it is the ... Read more >

Tags: culture, hanoi, history, learning, museums, nomad, travel, vietnam, vietnam war, wanderlust

Celebration of Women and War

VIETNAM | Friday, 28 Apr 2017 | Views [573]

A lot of the sights in Hanoi you can see just walking around the city. The traffic alone is a sight in itself, the real hustle and bustle draws you in and it's unnerving how quickly you become a part of it. A few days ago the need to cross a road had ... Read more >

Tags: celebrating women, culture, hanoi, history, marriage, museum, travel, vietnam, war, women

Learning to Love Laos

THAILAND | Saturday, 8 Apr 2017 | Views [860]

I would never tell someone not to visit a place, but Vientiane isn't somewhere we see ourselves visiting again. It's beautiful, full of South East Asian/French culture and some lovely things to see, but it's not as welcoming as other places we have visited.... Read more >

Tags: culture, exploring, history, humbling, learning, museums, sightseeing, traffic, warming

Long journeys, Borders and Culture Shocks

LAOS | Monday, 3 Apr 2017 | Views [717]

We boarded the bus and were shown to the top deck and taken to our seats. The seats were pretty huge. They were about a seat and a half of a regular coach seat, if not wider, they reclined to about a 45 degree angle and had a foot rest that came up as ... Read more >

Tags: border crossings, buses, culture, laos, overnight, shock, sleeper bus, travel, tuk tuks, visas

Impressive temples & Buddhist blessings

THAILAND | Thursday, 16 Mar 2017 | Views [683]

As I told you in an earlier blog post, inside the wall in Chiang Mai is full of temples, lots and lots of temples. So we made a day out of exploring them. The Temples or Wat's, all require modest dress so shoulders must be covered, nothing with a low ... Read more >

Tags: blessings, buddha, chiang mai, culture, monks, temples, walking

Romance and Ping Pong balls

THAILAND | Sunday, 12 Feb 2017 | Views [1054]

It all began on Monday. What should of been an early night to be rested for travel, turned into an all nighter, packing and panicking. The nerves had official set in. Early hours Tuesday morning we packed our bags into the car and after a few teary ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, culture, muay thai, nightlife, pat pong

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