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Settling in on Samui

THAILAND | Monday, 21 August 2017 | Views [442]

While we were in Koh Tao we also decided to do a snorkelling trip. All the water trips! We paid for a half day trip and joined about 60 other people to head to the pier. We were loaded onto 2 boats and off we sailed. 

Throughout the day we visited Lighthouse Bay, Koh Nanguan, Shark Bay and a few other locations,  with the chance to snorkel at all of the sites. The waters are just incredible. So crystal clear. Our guide was very good at his job, full of energy and really involving everyone. He took a shine to the hubby and kept chatting to him. At one dive site he acted as a tour guide just for the two of us, taking us to little coves in the rocks where there were hundreds more fish. Obviously other people joined us after a while but he was keen to show us everything. 

We took a walk on one day down to Sairee beach. It had lovely views and some fab little bars and shops, but the beach was a bit battered. There was rubbish everywhere which just spoilt it a little. But we did notice there were signs all over the island advertising beach clean ups every few weeks, so at least they are working to fix it and using tourists to help, seen as though it's mainly tourists who cause the problem. 


Our time in Koh Tao had finally come to an end, a planned 6 days had turned into 2 weeks and although it had been tiring we had loved every second. It was time for another island, so we booked a boat to Koh Samui. A place we had visited once before and we had loved. We had picked a different area on the island, and booked a hotel with a pool. For the price we paid we didn't expect much.

The ferries are pretty good but chaotic when you first get on, with long queues it can be a bit of a battle but quite well organised considering. We got on and got a seat without issue and it was plain sailing. By this point we had stock pilled the magical 7eleven motion sickness pills and I was taking one every single time I went near water. Little miracles they were.

When we arrived in Koh Samui we had pre booked a mini bus transfer and when we arrived at our hotel we were gobsmacked. It was lovely, pool was clean. We were given fruit juice and cold towels and asked to take a seat while they arranged our room (we were early for check in) 10 minutes later we were in our lovely room! Huge comfy bed and a balcony with a table and chairs, overlooking the pool. 

Yes thank you! 


We had purposely booked a hotel with a pool to relax after all the diving and early mornings in Koh Tao. We bought cereal, some fruit and yogurt from the family mart across the street and ate breakfast on the balcony every day, and then lounged around the pool, swimming and sunbathing, enjoying a few cold beers. 

On our first night we headed to the beach. We grabbed some cushion beds at Ark Bar and we watched the sunset. It was bliss. The other evenings were similar. We strolled to the beach and had food and wandered around. The walk on the beach at night was lovely but so much of it is lined with resorts that refuse to let you cross their land to get back to the Main Street. We tried and got stopped by about 3 different places until we spotted one that didn't seem to have security so we made a run for it. When we got to the other side we noticed there was a big gate at the entrance and a security box. Thankfully the gate was open and even better the security guard was fast asleep! 


We didn't do much else in Samui, we just wanted to relax and enjoy the sun. We stayed for 3 nights then moved on.

Tags: beach, ferry, lazy, pool, relaxing, wanderlust

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