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Understanding a Culture through Food - Passion and Love

INDONESIA | Friday, 19 April 2013 | Views [312] | Scholarship Entry

According with my experience since I came to malang (one of city at east java) for studying at Brawijaya University three years ago, I was feeling so different of culture from my hometown, Jakarta. At Jakarta people from all over cities in Indonesia lived with different cultures and backgrounds gathered together.
After all, here I was able to speak Indonesian to local indigenous, although the majority of the talking with the Java language. Yes, here there is a different cultural perspective and the perspective of the local community between malang and Jakarta. You can begin to find the location of a difference when you start ordering and eating food in the malang. Shape and looks no different from the type of food served in Jakarta but when we've sampled cuisine from both the area you will feel the taste that much different from what you got. In malang, food and beverages. Even if you try to order a mixed drink like hot tea, you will get a warm tea with a bland taste, instead you will be given a warm sweet tea by the waiter. Because when I lived in Jakarta and I wanted to order hot tea meant to be served tea with a bland flavor with no added sugar. In Jakarta I already know that it is different hot tea with sweet tea warm even when warm tea with warm sweet tea in Jakarta are distinguished from the price difference is about 500-1000 rupiahs. Although it seems trivial that this is where the people of Indonesia that looks diverse in culture. Maybe you as a person who is not from Indonesia considers that this is a trivial thing as an Indonesian but this is a matter of principle that the fundamental difference of lifestyle. We Indonesian people will love dishes that taste, this is where you can easily find dishes flavored coconut milk and onions. Maybe my knowledge of food outside like the Japanese and the Europeans do not really like the taste of food. For instance people who love Japanese food that does not taste raw. I never tried Japanese food likes sushi that makes my tongue like a cheesy because it really did not feel as though there is sashimi as taste enhancer. Or European food taste that is not overpowering, just when added alone to the west mayoinase it was tasteless. I will not get used to the food tasteless it might also become a habit that Indonesian people as people who love the taste of food.

Tags: Travel Writing Scholarship 2013

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