AUSTRALIA | Friday, 6 December 2013 | Views [286] | Comments [1]
Salt pan @ Lakefield NP
I've been through that coastal country where only saltbush growThe land of the huge salt pans like giant rings of snowIn that vast part of South Australia revered as the CoorongTo the people of the Dreamtime it always will belong.They say that sheep that live off of saltbush kill out as quite good meatAnd though tough the chops are tasty and rather nice to eatBut in the vast expanses of the Coorong few ruminants one ever seeJust miles of salt pan country by the great southern sea.In the Coorong of South Australia from here long miles awayThe black tribes lived and hunted their spirits still there todayThey lived in harmony with Nature before the new races cameAnd this old land of the Dreamtime Europeans have failed to tame.Down in the salt pan country a vast and empty placeone still can sense the spirits of the indigenous raceWho hunted for their food there up to a few centuries agoYet so little of their history us outsiders seem to know.
Francis Duggan Dec 8, 2013 8:43 AM