Sometimes I just get restless.
For most of my life I imagined that everyone felt restless, that everyone felt, forgive the cliché, but that everyone felt like a caged bird. And I still believe that most people do indeed feel restless sometimes. I also know now that there are some of us that will in fact feel trapped until they are free.
Which is why I am currently overseas with a backpack that is a bit too full, a bank account that is a bit too low, a plane ticket that is a bit one-wayed, and an itinerary that is beautifully non existant.
Some days I get a little worried. Most days I don't. I still haven't decided if this is because everything will work out or because I am utterly unrealistic. I could be here for a month, I could be here for a year. I don't really do well with time limitations.
For now I am quite content with seeing beautiful architecture, smelling street vendor carts, listening to the melody of Italian voices, tasting pizzas and gellatos, and feeling more like myself than I have in a long time.
"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return." Leonardo Da Vinci