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The One Less Traveled By Telling stories about trips to destinations you won't find in travel guides.

About theonelesstraveledby

If I had to give an elevator pitch about myself, it would be: I am a 21-year-old wandering soul. Can I sound more cliche than that? I probably can, but I'll spare you the agony. 

Join me in a new place and you will find me snapping photos and taking mental notes of our experience. Those who know me know that once I land back home, I turn into a storyteller. I am a lover of words. I try my best to embody the essence of places and people in words, knowing that I can never do them justice. But, I try. 

I am a 21-year-old Lebanese-Venezuelan with a bucketlist filled with places I want to visit (and write about). I recently cultivated a passion to visit remote, unpopular destinations. I believe I can come back from such places with rich stories barely any travel guides talk about. 

Personally speaking, traveling is equally about the locals as it is about the monuments and attractions you discover. The culture of the destination shapes my experience as a traveler. It is those "You have to be there" moments that stick with me. 

My Travel Map: