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My Scholarship entry - Beauty and Shadows in the Chiricahua Mountains.

USA | Sunday, November 23, 2014 | 5 photos


My name is Alberto, I'm a 25 year old Mexican residing in the U.S.A. About a year ago I graduated from college and took a one-month trip to Europe. Navigating through the different cultures and lifestyles I found out that I'm deeply intrigued by everything the world has to offer. The interaction with people of different backgrounds, the feeling of being in an unknown yet unique place and the ability to share something about myself with the world are things that I highly appreciate.

I have been taking images as a way to capture the moments that inspire me to continue exploring and to share those memories with people.

We live in a world that is being overrun by technology, the easy access to distractions has deprived us from going out there and experiencing the real world. I would definitely benefit from this scholarship because my goal is to travel the world, to both remote and common places, and capture those moments that will inspire people to go back to our human tendencies of exploring the world, of going out there and exposing ourselves to new experiences. Learning about the field from a professional would be a strong stepping-stone towards that goal.


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