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There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "wedding".

And They Lived Happily Ever After

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 1 May 2016 | Views [568]

The traditional idea of ‘happily ever after’ usually involves a knight in shining armour riding in on a big white steed to save ‘the girl’. He instantly woos her and they ride off into the sunset where they will shortly get married ... Read more >

Tags: australia, happily ever after, melbourne, robinsons, wedding

Meet The Robinsons

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 16 Apr 2016 | Views [761] | Comments [1]

All Saints, the band, are back. They are a thing. I know this because they were playing their new single in the Co-Op (think IGA Aussies) when we stopped in for a cheeky post walk chocolate pud the other day. They were probably playing the song because ... Read more >

Tags: australia, bride, cake, groom, marriage, maylands, perth, sparklers, wedding

An 87 day engagement

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 12 Apr 2016 | Views [667]

87 days isn’t a very long time to be engaged. It also isn’t a very long time to plan a wedding in a country that is across the other side of the world to you and in a city that is unfamiliar to one of you. It could have and probably should ... Read more >

Tags: australia, bucks, dubai, emirates, family, friends, heathrow, hens, perth, wedding

Oh hey, Canada.

CANADA | Wednesday, 23 Sep 2015 | Views [696]

Time has flown since my last post and we are rapidly heading into autumn. The days are noticeably cooler and long boots and jumpers are not out of place. Whilst we receive the odd ‘blue bird’ day, the clouds have firmly settled most days ... Read more >

Tags: baseball, blue jays, canada, hamilton, niagara falls, oh hey, toronto, wedding

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