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The Life & Adventures of Laura The triumphs and tribulations of UK living & teaching.


There are [0] photos and [9] stories tagged with "uk".

A Country Affair

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 23 Jun 2016 | Views [593]

When it comes to weekends, we are always looking for interesting things to do locally. England is a land of seasonal events. In spring farmers open their fields so you can view their bluebells, in winter you can rug up and enjoy a cider by a warm fire ... Read more >

Tags: country, dogs, england, fair, local, posh, uk, weekend, west sussex

Brighton to the left of me, Hastings to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you.

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 22 May 2016 | Views [524]

It’s far to say that I’ve suffered a fair amount of ‘cabin fever’ since moving to the UK. Although I wouldn’t say I am outdoorsy, I do enjoy being outside on occasion and have missed having a back yard. Unfortunately, we ... Read more >

Tags: aussies, cabin fever, expats, new job, travel, uk

The great scone debake.

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 22 Dec 2015 | Views [598] | Comments [1]

There is some debate over how one should prepare their cream tea (Devonshire Tea to us Aussies). We learnt this upon the arrival of Pete’s distant relative Sam, who is staying with us for a week to do some work experience at Pete’s work, ... Read more >

Tags: brighton, burning of the clocks, christmas, ice skating, london, trafalgar square, uk, winter

Oh hail the brussel sprout tree...

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 7 Dec 2015 | Views [576]

It’s true; brussel sprout trees are a ‘thing’. Essentially the stalk of the plant with the sprouts still attached; shops here are selling them for around $5 a tree. Now, I’m not sure where you stand on the sprout debate, but personally ... Read more >

Tags: brussel sprouts, christmas, cold, dickens, ice skating, mulled wine, rochester, snow, uk, wales

This post is brought to you by the letter B for Bureaucracy..

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 4 Nov 2015 | Views [442]

I am currently a serf and the UK Home Office is my Feudal Overlord. Pete thinks I am a being a bit dramatic, but it is beginning to feel like it. The UK Home Office have had my passport to reissue my VISA for 2 months now and without it I’m stuck ... Read more >

Tags: bonded labour, coronation street, holidays, manchester, parentals, serfdom, tour guide, uk, uk

The sat nav is not your friend, and other directional mishaps

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 22 Jul 2015 | Views [397]

When it comes to finding your way around, it can be a little tricky at times. When you are overseas the places, things and systems that you are used to are all slightly different, or non existent and at times it can leave you a little bewildered or confused.... Read more >

Tags: anniversary, car, folkestone, isle of wight, portsmouth, school, uk, volvo

We're not in Kansas anymore Toto

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 19 Jun 2015 | Views [524]

On the 30 th of June, Pete and I will celebrate our 6 month anniversary of being expats. Unlike most people who go to live in the UK, we are not neck deep in other Aussies and Kiwis on the same adventure. Out here in East Sussex, we are something of ... Read more >

Tags: bureaucracy, car, east sussex, england, expat, frustration, uk

The joys of being an anorak, and other weekend pursuits

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 23 Mar 2015 | Views [555]

According to my font of knowledge of all things British (my friend Gary), an anorak is someone who bird watches, or train spots, or does a bit of a nerdy hobby almost obsessively, generally requiring an anorak due to the weather conditions. ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, anoraks, bike riding, bluebell railway, east sussex, nerds, trainspotting, uk

Oh, Hello Sunshine

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 13 Mar 2015 | Views [434]

It's February. The days are longer, the sun is peeking out from behind the clouds and if you're lucky you can go out with just a coat, minus the gloves and beanie that January dictates.   Februrary has brought the end of Term 3 at school ... Read more >

Tags: beach head, east sussex, iceland, spring, uk, winter

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