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The Mystical Adventures of Tess and Jack

Trip: South India and Philippines 11-12

There are [19] stories from my trip: South India and Philippines 11-12

Paradisical Palawan Part II: Coron/Basuanga

PHILIPPINES | Sunday, 12 Feb 2012 | Views [975]

There are only so many gorgeous white sand beaches and seafood buffets a guy/girl can take before he/she feels ready for the next mystical adventure, so we made an executive decision (can you have an executive with two people?) to cut our time in El ... Read more >

Paradisical Palawan Part I: Puerto to El Nido

PHILIPPINES | Friday, 10 Feb 2012 | Views [2462]

After a somewhat painful night bus trip (eight hours, uncomfy chairs and resultant fluid retention/‘cankles’, Americans in front of us whose favourite topic of conversation was ‘cute faces on fat chicks’) we arrived in the Philippines’ somewhat notorious ... Read more >

Photos: Palawan Part 2

PHILIPPINES | Friday, 10 Feb 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Palawan Part 1

PHILIPPINES | Friday, 10 Feb 2012 | Photo Gallery

Puerto Princessa, Port Barton and El Nido
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The Rice Terraces of Batad

PHILIPPINES | Friday, 27 Jan 2012 | Views [1069] | Comments [3]

Our next destination was Batad, a tiny village nestled amongst the most beautiful of the Philippines’ famous rice terraces, which were engineered by some very enterprising tribespeople (the Ifaguo) over 2000 years ago. Because of its remote location, ... Read more >

Photos: Batad (The Rice Terraces)

PHILIPPINES | Friday, 27 Jan 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: San Juan, Sagada and Bontoc

PHILIPPINES | Wednesday, 25 Jan 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Welcome to the Philippines: surfing and spelunking (respectively) in San Juan and Sagada

PHILIPPINES | Tuesday, 24 Jan 2012 | Views [2071] | Comments [1]

After saying goodbye to the beautiful, crazy mess that was India, we found ourselves back in the delightful low cost terminal in KL and then up in the air again en route to the second half of our mystical adventure: the Philippines! The flight over ... Read more >

Pondy and beyondy

INDIA | Wednesday, 18 Jan 2012 | Views [893]

Our plans for the remaining leg of our journey were thrown slightly askew in Kodai when we learnt that a big cyclone had blown through northern Tamil Nadu on New Years’ Eve (the tail end of which we experienced as the squall in Alleppey). Our ... Read more >

Photos: The rest of India

INDIA | Wednesday, 18 Jan 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Cosy Kodaikanal!

INDIA | Wednesday, 18 Jan 2012 | Views [1046]

Feeling decidedly better and ready for more mystical adventures, we bade beautiful Kerala goodbye and embarked on our final Indian Railways trip. By this stage we felt we were ready to go all out and had booked two second class overnight tickets to Madurai, ... Read more >

An Alleppey New Year!

INDIA | Friday, 6 Jan 2012 | Views [953]

Another valuable public transport lesson was learnt on our way from Munnar. Not only should one avoid the ticket collector's seat if one does not wish to spend the entire trip standing; one should also not select the back seat of the bus because there ... Read more >

Photos: Alleppey to Kodai

INDIA | Friday, 6 Jan 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Kochi & Munnar

INDIA | Friday, 6 Jan 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Tea & queues long and far in hilly Munnar

INDIA | Sunday, 1 Jan 2012 | Views [702]

Our bus trip from Kochin was nothing out of the ordinary; brake screeching, speeding and overtaking around blind corners are all part of the Indian adventure package. The only noteworthy difference was a particularly horn-happy driver (he was on it ... Read more >

Kristmas in Kochi!

INDIA | Sunday, 1 Jan 2012 | Views [679] | Comments [2]

With a fluey Jack in tow, we descended from the cool hills of Ooty back into the blistering heat of the plains. Returning to the delightful commercial hub of Coimbatore, we once more found ourselves in a musty train station battling bureaucracy for ... Read more >

Photos: Chennai to Ooty

INDIA | Sunday, 25 Dec 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Bee-Ooty-ful Ooty!

INDIA | Saturday, 24 Dec 2011 | Views [1085]

Chapter II of our mystical adventure began in a rickshaw at 5.00 am on a murky Chennai morning. We were destined for the central railway station; by another miracle (Ganesh again!) our bureaucratic mission of the previous day had resulted ... Read more >

Chapter One: Gold Coast to Chennai (and a totally different planet)

INDIA | Sunday, 18 Dec 2011 | Views [665] | Comments [3]

Hello beloved family and friends, and welcome to another exciting edition of your favourite travel blog! This time around we are doing a one month sojourn in southern India, followed by five weeks in the beautiful Philippines. Yes, we are very lucky ... Read more >