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Once upon a time in a bus

ARMENIA | Thursday, 15 May 2014 | Views [339] | Scholarship Entry

… In the bus from Durres to Pristina. Lots of passengers took the bus but still as there were many places left Vica and me sat in parallel to each other but separately. One strange guy with a strange outlook, with extremely long hair and scary gestures took the bus and came and sat just behind Vica. ‘‘it's fine, so many people are around here, no one is going to harm us…''. 2 hours later! Strange whispering from Vica's back…
- Is it him or is it the music from the radio? - asked Vica and I could see her gradually becoming scared.
- Yes, but don't pay attention'', - I told her but then I started to pay attention to him ?.
A bit later he started to whisper in a more rigorous way as if he was praying… Vica got more scared! I was trying to control my mimics not to make her go crazy!
- Is he scary, Tat?
- Well, yes, to be honest he looks very dangerous…
And Vica's face turned bluish white :)).
Then comes the ''detective'' part. The first thing that we did was that Vica changed her position trying to be a bit far from him. She was already leaning on the window not the back seat.
- I do really hope that he doesn't have a metallic cord with him to choke me!, - said Vica, - and I think I am in such a distance that he can’t reach me…
- Don't be afraid, he won't manage to do anything, I will hit him somehow, he is not that strong, look at him, he is so slim and weak, his pale skin…I will push him, never mind…
But not believing to what I had told to Vica, I took my travel knife from the backpack and kept in my hand. Afterwards, we agreed on that I would follow him, his movements, and Vica would look at his reflection through the front window and at the same time try to take a photo in order to see and understand what was in his hand, because apparently he was holding a very strange ''tool''. During our ''investigation'' we were already making the psychological portrait of that guy. He was definitely a member of a super strange religious sect and a crazy masochist who was using that tool maybe for torturing himself or people… The more we were inspecting him, the more intensively he was whispering... It was really scary! I decided to make contacts with at least one person in the bus so as WHEN we reached Pristina, we could join him/her in order to escape the MANIAC. Then he fell asleep and we noticed that he was holding a souvenir in a form of a musical instrument and was just listening to music, but as he had long hair we couldn't notice his earphones…

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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