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Southern Hospitality; Discovering the Unique and Beautiful Culture of Puglia

About tara-laureen

I am a 29 year old Virgo, born and raised in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada. I can endure freezing cold, endlessly long winters, and revel in camping, and drinks on a patio in the summer. I’m West Indian, from Trinidad on my mother’s side, and Jamaica on my father’s. As such I have a strong connection to the beauty and spirituality of Hindu Gods and Goddesses, a love of Bob Marley and a laid back approach to life. 

My blog is an account of this journey; getting to know my ‘Self’, and what I’m all about. I love writing, it’s always been my therapy, and I express myself best with the written word. I have always written personally and kept a journal, but I’m new to blogging.

Travel is also a passion of mine. I love getting lost in the world, and hate the idea of only experiencing life in one place when there is a whole wide world out there to discover and experience. Different cultures, perceptions, ideas, different ways of life – that is what interests me to no end.

I felt that it was time to share my stories; my travels, my journey of self discovery and healing. I am inspired everyday through the eloquence, beauty and humor that is writing. I love finding pieces of myself in what others have written of their experiences, be it emotionally, spiritually, politically, or on travelling adventures.

This blog is my way of giving back; I believe in the sharing of stories and inspiring each other.

Currently I am living in San Pietro Vernotico, a small town in the southern area of Italy known as Puglia. This area is rich in history and boasts a unique and welcoming culture, providing a lot of inspiration for travel writing!

My Travel Map:

Contact tara-laureen

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