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Rain, floods and a Giant.

VIETNAM | Saturday, 1 November 2008 | Views [595] | Comments [3]

The Giant Emilo

The Giant Emilo

It did not stop raining since I came to Hanoi, not to worry though there are different kinds of rain. Mostly it ranges from heavy rain to torrential rain, heavy rain seems okay. 

But after 5 hours of torrential rain yesterday, things took a turn for the murky side. My first flood arrived and we were up to our knees in Shit. I sat eating a late breakfast for 30 minutes, look outside and the street was awash with 3 feet of sewage.

I stressed a while about how I was going to meet Sonia. But as the guy sitting next to me pointed out, "a good time for a beer." So because I my medicaton, I had a bottle of water and watched the world and his waste go by.

Finally for 30 minutes it became light rain and the flooded street dryed up enough to take a moped taxi to Airport mini bus. Where I met Emielo, who's picture you can see. As he discribed him self, he looks and sounds like a columbian drug cartel leader. If you get into trouble he is the man to be next to. I spent my whole afternoon and a good part of the evening listening to him. The back of my neck hurt much from laughing so hard.

So finally after about only 6 hours wait I met up with Sonia. Actually she was late through no fault of her own, just a delayed flight.

So we took the bus home, and waited only 30 minutes to get back into a nicely flooded Hanoi. Don't worry it looks just like Vienna. Trouble is yet the Vietnamese have not started selling or hiring Gondolas.

Check out the new photos and a short video.



Hi Jason, finally managed to get into the blog.
You're in quarantine when you come back! Only waived if you absolutely did not go out in the street when it was flooded. Sounds wonderful - not.
Hope all continuing relatively well, please keep well.
We had snow here while little Richard was staying, woken up at 6.30 with an almightly yell " Nan its snowing, its winter" Out in the garden by 7.30 playig which was fortunate because although it stayed cold the snow was gone by midday.
work on top floor progresses- shower nearly finished and bedroom almost ready to paint. Dad out digging this afternoon to allow the cold to break up the soil; and to put compost etc. on ready for next years growing.
Other wise all relatively calm here - the work outside seems to have gone mad but not yet spread this far across country.
Take care, lots of love, Mum and Dad,

  Susan Allshorn Nov 3, 2008 3:11 AM


You came to witness the historical flood in Hanoi. People said that this is the heaviest rain within 40 years. :D I remember when I was a little girl about 8, my family moved to HCMc on a heavy rained day. It looked like we fled to new place because the rain. When we was in HCMc, we heard that Hanoi was flooded for a week. :D enjoy Hanoi flood ;)

  Lisa Grin :D Nov 3, 2008 4:22 AM


Keep up with the comments. It's nice to hear what you guys are doing.

  supertopoz Nov 3, 2008 10:51 AM

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