About sunshine-photography
From sunny Queensland to wild Western Australia, I’ve been blessed to have seen a lot of this country. Originally from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, I left on my first road trip about 7 years ago. This was the beginning of my love for Photography. The colours, the landscapes, the rising and setting sun, the flora and fauna, the people and culture of this country, all inspiration to me. I have seen so much beauty, some of which is under threat. It’s saddening to think that photos may be all that’s left of some of our remaining unique places. I hope through my photography that I can show pieces of this beauty and hopefully inspire people, not only to appreciate this great land and all it has to offer, but also to take positive steps and actions towards protecting and conserving our natural and cultural heritage. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.
Kat de la Perrelle
SunShine Photography ~Inspiring through Imagery~