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Adventurous Living An insite into my little world of Travel. It is something I love to do and continue to do. Love meeting new people, hearing there stories and capturing the moments.

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

United Arab Emirates | Wednesday, December 5, 2012 | 5 photos

I am Stuart Hill currently a Photographer in the Royal Navy and it has been a life long ambition to work with the National Geographic. I have been all over the world with my camera, from combat zones to some very amazing places like Jordan, Egypt & Somalia. I love everything to do with Photography, not just the military images I have to capture but when I have spare time to go out of my way to collect images that will remain with me, my family & friends for a longtime.

I aspire to become a great photographer and just enjoy capturing the moments from around the world.

Doing this would help me fulfill something I've always dreamed off. I’ve been in the Navy for 14 years now and due to the Defense cuts am losing my job next year. This would give me an opportunity I've only dreamed off, this could be the start of something amazing in my life.

About stuhill

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