Are you planning to travel with your pet dog, cat or ferret within the European Union or into it from another country?

To make life simpler, we have listed down the 5 most important formailities that need to be followed to take your loved one abroad.
1. Micro-Chipping
Your pet must have a micro-chip before it’s vaccinated against rabies. All you have to do is make sure that your vet records the code of the microchip on the pet passport or official third country veterinary certificate. Microchips that meet the International Organisation for Standardisation can be easily read by the transportation companies throughout the European Union. If incase your pet's microchip doesn't meet standards, you must bring your own microchip reader.
In case of tattooing the pet with the identification number, make sure that the vet records the tattoo number and the date of the rabies vaccination in the pet passport or official third country veterinary certificate.
2. A Rabies Vaccination
Needless to say, you must vaccinate your pet against rabies before it can travel abroad. Please note that you have to wait for 21 days after the vaccination before travelling.
Get your pet microchipped before the rabies vaccination or they will need to be vaccinated again.
3. A Pet Passport or Official Third Country Veterinary Certificate
It is compulsary for your pet to have a valid pet passport/third country official veterinary certificate authenticated by a certified vet.
4. Tapeworm Treatment (for dogs only)
Make sure to get your pooch treated for tapeworm and get it recorded, and duly recorded by your vet in the pet passport or third country official veterinary certificate.
5. Quarantin
On your behalf, the quarantine premises will help and/or deal with all documentation. There would be:
submission of an import licence application;
arrangement for the collection of your pet on landing
organising the clearance through customs
arrangement of transport of your pet to the quarantine premises

So, what are you waiting for? Pack you suitcase and go explore the world with your loved pet!
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